
About SFiles22

Who are you ?

We are a bunch of J.J. Abrams / Bad Robot fans who love a good mystery.

We are not associated with Bad Robot Productions, J.J. Abrams or any other production company, we are just ordinary people who want to make the world a better place.

What is this website all about ?

It is about a mystery project in the form of a novel from J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst, read our initial overview by clicking here

We don't know much more detail than you do at the moment, but as soon as we find out something new we will try and let you know.

Although we will try as hard as possible to be accurate and informative, All of the information provided is given without warranty of guarantee of accuracy.


Now the book is released we will be discussing it ! So you may find spoilers or information from the book past the point that you might have read up to.

If there is anything that we think would ruin your experience if we revealed it we will try and put it in spoilers tags so it is hidden unless you want to explicitly reveal it.

Commenting Etiquette ?

Be respectful and polite, the blog owners reserve the right to remove any comment they deem to be offensive or antagonistic without warning.

If you don't know the answer to something try searching first, there is a search tab on the site, please use it.