The second half of the Bad Robot Productions "Stranger" video was released today.
Click here to watch it on Youtube or you can watch it here below the transcript.
Voice over: "Men are erased and reborn, reborn, and reborn. (echo)"
The opening scene is reverse of the last few seconds of the ending of Part 1 ending with women's voice saying "Roman." Cut to night sky and credits: "From J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst"
Then we are shown a room where a man is typing at a desk. You can hear a ticking of a watch or clock. You can see two suitcases (one open), old style telephone, a fan, a fireplace, picture above mantel, radio on mantel. Picture on the wall is map of Asia.
Then the image changes to the room ransacked, curtain pulled off rod, papers on the floor. There is an ominous hand print on the fireplace. Photographer is taking photos with old style flash bulbs. There are two men searching the room with flashlights. Final scene is of the typewriter overturned on the floor with blank sheet of paper still in the roller. There is a folded note next to the typewriter, broken glass, framed photo, cigarette/cigar ashes? Let me know what you see?
Voice over: "It's all true. Everything he wrote. Every sentence. Every word. Everything we read, it's real. We found him, and they're coming. Oh, please don't go back. No matter what you do, please don't go back. They're going to find you."
Then camera focuses in on head of needle being threaded with a quote from Plato:
Death is not the worst that can happen to men.
Voice over: "The book is just the beginning." with ticking watch/clock sound and a person beginning to stitch mouth.
The end of the video displays a web address
On this site there are links to the book sellers, but interestingly the product photographs look slightly different, the library sticker seen on the Barnes & Noble website is missing from other pictures of the book.