
Monday, 9 September 2013

Stranger Video Part 2

The second half of the Bad Robot Productions "Stranger" video was released today. Click here to watch it on Youtube or you can watch it here below the transcript.

Voice over: "Men are erased and reborn, reborn, and reborn. (echo)"
The opening scene is reverse of the last few seconds of the ending of Part 1 ending with women's voice  saying "Roman." Cut to night sky and credits: "From J.J. Abrams and Doug Dorst"

Then we are shown a room where a man is typing at a desk. You can hear a ticking of a watch or clock. You can see two suitcases (one open), old style telephone, a fan, a fireplace, picture above mantel, radio on mantel. Picture on the wall is map of Asia.

Then the image changes to the room ransacked, curtain pulled off rod, papers on the floor. There is an ominous hand print on the fireplace. Photographer is taking photos with old style flash bulbs. There are two men searching the room with flashlights.  Final scene is of the typewriter overturned on the floor with blank sheet of paper still in the roller. There is a folded note next to the typewriter, broken glass, framed photo, cigarette/cigar ashes? Let me know what you see?

Voice over: "It's all true. Everything he wrote. Every sentence. Every word. Everything we read, it's real. We found him, and they're coming. Oh, please don't go back. No matter what you do, please don't go back. They're going to find you."

Then camera focuses in on head of needle being threaded with a quote from Plato:

Death is not the worst that can happen to men.

Voice over: "The book is just the beginning." with ticking watch/clock sound and a person beginning to stitch mouth.

The end of the video displays a web address

On this site there are links to the book sellers, but interestingly the product photographs look slightly different, the library sticker seen on the Barnes & Noble website is missing from other pictures of the book.


  1. My Blogger posting skillz need improving! Just wanted something up so that we can discuss second half of promotion video.

  2. Very nice recap! Reverse could mean rebirth, or remembrances of the writer. No idea what "Roman" would mean. As I said in other post, all this supports Eric traveling to find out about author.

    1. I felt like the video was capturing the writer yanking the paper out of the typewriter. Taking his words backwards, literally.

  3. Is that Leonard Nimoy's voice?

    1. It has the rasp- but I am missing the bass tones. Still, could be.

  4. Thanks for getting the post up, I've had a busy tourist day and couldn't do anything until now.

    I've made a couple of small changes and added the web address to the main post.

    1. Thank you. Please fix proper when you return. Just felt like we need some temporary. Took me forever to remember how to post to Blogger. Looks like you are having quiet an adventure!

  5. Does anyone know how to read star patterns, could we guess the location from the sky picture ?

    1. If that's a true representation of a star patten over Brazil, I'll be a capuchin's aunt. :-) Looks like you can almost READ letters and numbers... but then I see clues everywhere.

    2. Think maybe this from the Brazilian flag? flag stars

  6. Post card, monkey, stars, - so OK, if Brazil- what do we know about mouth stitch cult like folks there?

  7. This religion in Brazil includes reincarnation- Umbanda No mouth stitching pics I can find though.

    Also- thought on the "22" (was it?) clue items. Maybe for 22 chapters in book, one for each.

  8. mouth stitching goes on today, it is used in various countries as form of protest. It the case of Ship of Theseus, horror image, literary device. Speak no evil. Maybe words spoken have same powers as those written. Eating would be impossible, slow death, punishment. I'm not going to look when part 3 of video comes out and they show the needle going through. :-o

  9. Yes, I will cover my eyes!

    Oh- I've done the link wrong perhaps- is what I was going for.

    Brazil has some hybrid Catholic/Spiritist/African Tribal religions- that have sinister sides too.

  10. I got the impression the narrator didn't believe the events in the book were true. It was only after they found "him" that he did. I'm curious why he's so concerned about her (?) going back and being found.

    Has one or both of them experienced events similar to what's in the book?

    When I see a sewn up mouth it makes me think of voodoo / shrunken heads.
    Also makes me think of pirates.
    Dead men tell no tales.

  11. Here's some new info I think. Book from 1949- napkin and newspaper clippings inside pages- Daily News

  12. And here is another description where JJ says there are postcards and photographs too. ComingSoon

  13. JT, thanks for the updates. Off to look at now.

  14. I was looking at the star pattern from the 2nd video and the only thing I could recognise was The Northern Crown or Corona Borealis.

    Interestingly there is a link to Theseus from the website -

    Legend tells us that the northern crown was originally a beautiful jeweled tiera which belonged to the princess Ariadne, of Crete. Her father, King Minos, kept a ferocious minotaur (half man, half bull) trapped in a labyrinth from which it could not escape. The minotaur had a taste for human flesh, and periodically hapless victims from the subjugated city state of Athens were put into the maze for the minotaur to feed on.

    One year the prince of Athens, Theseus, was to be fed to the beast. When the princess Ariadne saw Theseus, she immediately fell in love with him and promised to help him escape, if he would take her away and marry her. Theseus agreed, and Ariadne secretly gave him a spool of thread just before he was put into the maze. Theseus unraveled the thread behind him as he hunted down the minotaur and killed it. Then he followed the thread back out of the maze, and carried Ariadne off across the sea back to Athens.

  15. Should have said the constellation is the semi circle one towards the top right of the pattern.

    1. Looking more, it still seems a bit like the flag constellations, although when I read more about them it seems on the flag they are a mirror image of reality as they are seen from above, and are supposed to be as seen at 8:30 in the morning- at time when you never would really see them- in Rio.

      Maybe they made up the sky like the flag, and put the crown in the corner to reference the Theseus myth. We're going to have to ask someone one day!

  16. This is so great that you guys are here! I'm loving this project! Have any of you seen the book? It's not out until next week, but it seems like some people have seen it. Also these videos are amazing? Didn't they make a third one?

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