
Saturday, 2 November 2013

Getting Organised

Now we have seen more of the book and possible related content it is time to get organised.

Hopefully you can see the new link bar just below the header at the top of this blog, we will add links to this new naviagation bar for any reference lists we can think of adding.

If you have any suggestions let us know.

The other thing is we now have an official email - sfiles22blog (a t) gmail (d o t) com - If you have anything you want to share that can't be left in comments, or you don't know where to add it, then let us know.


  1. What do you think of an entry for each chapter? That way people can comment on each as they read it, and allow people reading at different times to comment on same part of book as they go along.

    1. Anansi would be a good visual for attempting to comment on all the plot lines woven. It's a web of information. What looks unremarkable in the margin in Chapter 1 takes on new meaning by the time you are in Chapter 7. Each chapter also represents an element of deciphering, some in text, some in footnotes, some in inserted notes, letters. etc. We have added Foonotes and Ciphers arranged by chapters, up through chapter 7.

    2. "We have added Foonotes and Ciphers arranged by chapters, up through chapter 7. " Where?

    3. Just click on the new Footnotes link just below the header image at the top.

  2. I'd love to see a section on the Eotvos Wheel.

    1. I'll see what we can do, it's tricky without having anything to go on, but yes it could spark the discussion.


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