As with other posts like this, don't read this full content if you don't want to know what the code might be or see the discussion on how to solve it that might get posted in comments.
In Chapter 10 we have a list of places and dates, there are a few scattered throughout the chapter -
NOIR CALAIS 1912 (page 431), NOIR YPRES 1915 (page 439), NOIR NV (page447), Black Taranaki 1863 (page449)
and there are some in a list on page 449
However that isn't the end of the list, there appears to be more of these on page 262, and indeed Eric notes in pencil that these are similar to the barrel markings in chapter 10.
BERLIN Jun 1908, TANGIER, Jun 1905, B---, Oct 1906, LOS ANGELES, Dec 1910, TRIPOLI, Sep 1911, SALONIKA, Mar 1912
If we assume for the moment this is another Eotvos wheel code , we get the following codes -
Berlin | 52N 13E | H O E I T | |
Tangier | 35N 5W | C G E U Z | |
B---- | 14S 51W | B E J F . | Assumed Brazil |
Los Angeles | 34N 118W | . M O P A | |
Tripoli | 32N 13E | E H G Y D | Used 33N 13E for code |
Salonika | 40N 22E | - - - - - | No code found |
Calais | 50N 1E | X B T U P | |
Ypres | 50N 2E | X B T U P | Not a perfect alignment, but looks the same as Calais |
NV | 38N 116W | V X Q B Y | Assumed this is Nevada |
Taranaki | 39S 174E | No code found | |
Odessa | 46N 30E | R N B F H | |
Dahomey | 9N 2E | B F K A R | Old name for country of Benin |
Galway | 53N 9W | I Y B W U | |
Bijapur | 16N 75E | V F I L T | |
Adana | 37N 35E | C B R U Z | |
Rio Negro | 40S 66W | I C R A M | |
Barkol | 43N 93E | - - - - - | No code found |

If you add these letters to a grid like the footnote code you get this grid, I have added them in the order they appear in the book.
Nothing jumps out immediately, so if you have any theories and suggestions let us know in the comments.
If it helps deciphering here are the letters ready to plug into a decoder -
As the table above, in the book order -
Sorted by date including the century, with NV as 0
Sorted by date excluding the century, with NV as 0
What if you try rearranging them by date?
ReplyDeleteJust tried that and again nothing leaps out, I tried with the century and without
DeleteAlso there were more mentions of the barrel names before the list in chapter 10 - Noir Calais, Noir Ypres and Noir NV.
ReplyDeleteThanks, there was also Taranaki on the same page as the main list.
DeleteI've updated the post with the new details which gives us a bigger table.
I also noticed underlined at the bottom of page 439, from SoT "Tupp may regard the young man as a cipher, butsoon it will be obvious who he truly is"
Then the margin note says "IT DOES FEEL LIKE A SHIFT - BUT NOT A HUGE ONE..."
This really screams Caesar Shift Cipher, but I have tried all the standard combinations without joy.
Also forgot to add Danzig, Berlin - done now
DeleteIf you nudge Salonika more towards 41N (40.65)and 23E (22.9)- you can get RNBFH. I think sometimes the obvious landmark didn't exactly match a letter bar location.
DeleteIt's odd the margin note says "Edv. -6" rather than just Edv 6 or Edv VI. Does -6 in the ceaser cipher help anywhere?
ReplyDeleteDanzig (Poland) and Berlin should be separated, I believe. On p.15 there is also a 'joke' mention of 'Noir Standefer 2010' in the margins. Is it possible that Standefer is an anagram for a real place? Or that we're mean to work out what city PSU is located in/near?
ReplyDeleteWith those two additions, that would bring the total number of references to 19.
Salonika = Thessaloniki, Greece.
Barkol I have as 43/44N 93E
In 1949 wouldn't it have been part of Germany ? It is the same place whoever is the sovereign nation though ?
Delete19 would make sense you are right, but I struggle to include margin notes with the published book locations as if they are combined who is the message from ?
Ok, I was being stupid, before my first cup of tea, Berlin and Danzig should be separate places.
DeleteNOIR x 19. The Black Nineteen. We might what to see what footnotes reference this book?
DeleteThe grid for me is not showing- just a black screen. Is it OK for others?
DeleteDon't think I'd assume the whole country of Brazil when others are all cities. Could just as easy be Boston.
DeleteUnless you are thinking Brazil since city is unknown- but in that case why not write out Brazil? As Terrance said- there are many names Straka writes with just first letter- have we made a list of the 1st letters in order?
DeleteThe grid doesn't show up anymore for me either.
DeleteDid a list of the B________ type words. I see B______, G_____, K_______, El H_________ and P________. They repeat a lot. K is the mountain people, G, B and El H are cities, but not obvious ones.
DeleteI'm sure P is Prague, because Straka says on 321 "O P______, city of defenestrations!"
Def of Prague"
( I think, by the way, this reinforces the idea of what may have happened at the very end of the margin notes.)
Only cipher I see is maybe Morse code. Not clearly so though.
Goes: B BB B GG K B KKG KK K B K KK K B B ELH B ELH B ELH ELH B ELH P P P P K B K B B ELH ELH. Spaces are for different page locations- no space are on the same page.
So many locations...they just seem to be asking to be part of an Eötvös Wheel code. But I think we have to be cautious in choosing the types of data we group together. As Zort said, I'd be hesitant to group "Noir Standefer" from the margin notes with locations from the published SoT text. I can see Jen using both text & marginalia clues to communicate covertly with Eric, but in this case it's a joke. Standefer Hall was more likely named for a person than a place/city, not to mention we have no idea where Standefer Hall / PSU are located.
ReplyDeleteWhile 19 is a nice, tempting "Strakean" number, I think we should be careful about grouping the 2 sets of locations above together. The locations from p262 appear on the photograph of Agent #4 and seem to be locations where he has been spotted. The photo locations include a month & have a much smaller range, both in date (just 7 years) and latitude (excluding the unknown B____). Even though Eric suggests comparing the locations from the photo to the Barrel Locations, there really isn't anything that overlaps (except that 1912 appears on both lists, though the locations don't match).
As Lady Lobster & Zort have said, Danzig (Gdansk) and Berlin are 2 different cities. The way they are noted together seems more indicative of a vector than 2 separate locations -- possibly noting that the train Agent #4 was photographed on was going from Danzig to Berlin in Oct 1908. In either case, though the coordinates for both cities are slightly different, they yield the same letter string on the Wheel "H O E I T". I'm not sure how we'd even use a vector with the Wheel except to subtract the coordinates, which yields 1.8333° S, 5.2834° W (in the direction of travel).
As JT said, I'd also be wary of assuming B_____ is Brazil. I think we can infer though, that the events of Chapter 3 (S & Agent #4 seeing each other, the factory bombing) occurred in/around Oct 1906. I've done a brief search for bombings in Oct 1906, but all I've found so far is something in St. Petersburg, which isn't a factory bombing, and obviously doesn't start with B______. This is all further confusing if the B_____ protest/bombing is meant to represent the Calais incident from Straka's life.
I'm also not assuming that "NV" is Nevada. Modern official USPS state abbreviations wren't adopted until 1963, prior to that Nevada seems to have sometimes been Nev. or Nv. (but that's just from Wikipedia US State Abbreviations). Also, the Nevada Nuclear Test site wasn't established until 1951. Nevada Test Site NV could just stand for Nouveaux or maybe Nouveau Vin. I don't know.
I have slightly different coordinates for Adana (Turkey) -- 37.0000° N, 35.3213° E -- which gives me "C B R U Z". They seem reversed in the table above.
There is a also a Dahomey in Sipaliwini District, Suriname, but I have no idea if it existed in 1840.
There are many places (cities/provinces/municipalities) that are called Rio Negro. I'm not sure which one we should use.
It might help to see if we can find historical events that match the massacres from the Barrel Locations listed. And find bombings/incidents that match the Agent #4 location list.
And finally, if this is another code, once we have the correct letter sequences arranged in the correct order, we may have to read diagonally (instead of across/down)
I understand NV to be 'non-vintage' in the wine world, not sure if that helps at all.
DeleteI understand NV to be 'non-vintage' in the wine world, not sure if that helps at all.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAnd I get "R N B F H" for Odessa (46.4667° N, 30.7333° E), not "D T T O R" though my eyes maybe playing tricks on me after all the squinting I've been doing at the FNs and Wheel.
ReplyDeleteThanks all for the suggestions and comments, I have updated the table with a couple of corrections from ObFuSc8.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Dahomey in Suriname is the correct one as it gives a blank on the wheel (4N 55W).
Thinking further about it, and re-reading the page I think Danzig is a name and not a city, so for the moment I'm going to remove it from the list.
I'll try and sort out the image, not sure why it is black.
I can see the grid now- although it goes a bit under the side listing of posts. That listing has always wobbled and danced for me by the way! Anyone else?
DeleteWouldn't Taranaki be VTNEN?
ReplyDeleteIt's not exact, but it's very close.
A possibility?
ReplyDeleteThe Brownsville Affair
This is a better source. Note the highlighted: "Despite evidence of a frame-up, investigators accepted the statements of the mayor and the white citizens . . . "
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia:
"Brownsville is the sixteenth most populous city in the state of Texas with a population of 180,097. It is located on the southernmost tip of Texas, United States on the northern bank of the Rio Grande."
But, it's not a "gloomy" northern latitude that I can tell.
I think you are perhaps combining two places. The northern-gloomy-latitude place from Ch 1 is the "Old Quarter". I am guessing that is Exeter, England (Red Age > Devonian period > city at the mouth of a river in Devonshire was how I originally began looking at Exeter).
ReplyDeleteThe city of B---- is the location of Ch 3. B---- 1906 I think refers to the Vevoda factory bombing that takes place while S is there. I think the real-world location of B---- might be La Ciotat, France. South of the Old Quarter, Corbeau's family from here (French name), area with cliffy limestone caves (Calanque), harbor, waterfront dominated by large bldg, small city - not Marseilles....
Maybe the dates are important, too. Considering that all of Vevoda's wines begin with the french word for black, noir, I just had a thought that perhaps this is a reference to the book "The Black Nineteen." Not sure how it fits yet or how the dates would be used, but I thought of this tonight and it seems something worth exploring.
ReplyDeleteOkay, this is on my blog, but I am sharing here too. These are very short summaries of the events associated with each vintage.
ReplyDeleteNoir Calais 1912: Fictional riot that takes place in 1912 at Calais, France in SOT. Calais built the monument Le Pluviose in 1912 to commemorate the death of 27 when the steaming Pas de Calaise accidentally cause the submarine, Pluviose, to sink in May 1910, and the monument was not dedicated until 1913.
Noir Ypres 1915: Ypres, Belgium. Second battle of Ypres during World War I, notable because the it was the first time that the Germans used poison gas on a mass scale.
Noir NV: Still not sure on this one, as noted in the comments on the SFiles22, state codes weren't in use yet, so I haven't tracked this one down yet.
Black Taranaki 1863: The Second Taranaki War was a conflict between the Maori and New Zealand government.
Noir Odessa 1871: The Odessa pogrom, one in a series of violence targeting the Jews in Odessa, a city in Ukraine.
Noir Dahomey 1840: Dahomey was an African country ruled by a monarchy in what is now Benin. Dahomey was involved in the profitable slave trade. In 1840, Dahomey attempted to take over Yoruba territory.
Noir Galway 1831: This one is interesting doesn't appear to reference an act of violence. The Wardenship of Galway was dissolved by the Church of Ireland in 1831. Edmund Ffrench was the last warden. Galway may also reference the tribes of Galway, a group of a powerful families that ran Galway until the late 19th century. A magistrate does note that something was happening in Galway in 1831, but the details were not given in The Edinburgh Review.
Noir Bijapur 1791: Doji Bara famine in South Asia. An El Nino event caused a drought in the area from 1791-1792. In one estimate, famine and disease may have contributed to the deaths of 11 million people.
Noir Adana 1909: The Adana Massacre occurred in Adana Province of the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian population there.
Noir Rio Negro 1879: Basically a state-sponsored land grab from the indigenous populations, in 1878, a massive campaign started to clear the land between the Negro River and the Alsina Trench by armed forces.
Noir Barkol 1756: Refers to the Qing Dynasty's annexation of the area formerly controlled by the Zunghar Khanate. In 1756, the Chinese emperor ordered the death of all men in Barkol or Suzhou. The murdered men's wives and children were given to soldiers in the emperor's army.
Tangier (Jun) 1905: The First Moroccan Crisis refers to Germany's support of Morocco as an independent state, but the support damaged Germany's relations with France and the U.S. The crisis reached a peak in June 1905, and is considered a contributing factor to WWI.
B___ (Oct) 1906: Unable to locate, still researching.
Los Angeles (Dec) 1910: Llewellyn Iron Works bombing was preceded by a bombing of the Los Angeles Times in October and resulted in the arrest and conviction of labor leaders.
Tripoli (Sep) 1911: The Italo-Turkish war was Italy's attempt to assert it rights over parts of what is now Libya. It marked the use of the first aerial bomb dropped from an airplane.
Solanika (Mar) 1912: Maybe related to a secret agreement made between Serbia and Bulgaria. Need to do some more research.
Danzig (no date): Danzig pogrom, 1937?
Berlin (no date): Needs more research.
Standefer 2010: Eric's vandalism of Standefer Hall.
I note connections to the locations of the Barrel Code to coal/oil/gas pipelines here: Coal, oil, gas pipelines and the Barrel Code
ReplyDeleteI think I've figured out the black 19. I've put Berlin and Danzig back together and realized there were two cities listed in the copyright notice of SOT, New York and Toronto. I knew about the plan crash because S Fortunus tweeted about it. I realized that all of these may not be accurate, but I think these are on the right track.
ReplyDelete1. Noir Calais 1912: Fictional riot that takes place in 1912 at Calais, France in SOT. Calais built the monument Le Pluviose in 1912 to commemorate the death of 27 when the steamer Pas de Calaise accidentally cause the submarine, Pluviose, to sink in May 1910, and the monument was not dedicated until 1913. Per gz: Fourteen people were killed in a coal mine explosion at the Clarence Coal Company at Pas de Calais.
2. Noir Ypres 1915: Ypres, Belgium. Second battle of Ypres during World War I, notable because the it was the first time that the Germans used poison gas on a mass scale.
3. Noir NV: Still not sure on this one, as noted in the comments on the SFiles22, state codes weren't in use yet, so I haven't tracked this one down yet. I know it was discussed in the comments that the NV might be an abbreviation to denote current events. I'm not sure and would like to research some more.
4. Black Taranaki 1863: The Second Taranaki War was a conflict between the Maori and New Zealand government.
5. Noir Odessa 1871: The Odessa pogrom, one in a series of violence targeting the Jews in Odessa, a city in Ukraine.
6. Noir Dahomey 1840: Dahomey was an African country ruled by a monarchy in what is now Benin. Dahomey was involved in the profitable slave trade. In 1840, Dahomey attempted to take over Yoruba territory.
7. Noir Galway 1831: This one is interesting doesn't appear to reference an act of violence. The Wardenship of Galway was dissolved by the Church of Ireland in 1831. Edmund Ffrench was the last warden. Galway may also reference the tribes of Galway, a group of a powerful families that ran Galway until the late 19th century. A magistrate does note that something was happening in Galway in 1831, but the details were not given in The Edinburgh Review.
8. Noir Bijapur 1791: Doji Bara famine in South Asia. An El Nino event caused a drought in the area from 1791-1792.
9. Noir Adana 1909: The Adana Massacre occurred in Adana Province of the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian population there.
10. Noir Rio Negro 1879: Basically a state-sponsored land grab from the indigenous populations, in 1878, a massive campaign started to clear the land between the Negro River and the Alsina Trench by armed forces.
Here are the rest, I ran into a character limit:
11. Noir Barkol 1756: Refers to the Qing Dynasty's annexation of the area formerly controlled by the Zunghar Khanate. In 1756, the Chinese emperor ordered the death of all men in Barkol or Suzhou.
12. Tangier (Jun) 1905: The First Moroccan Crisis refers to Germany's support of Morocco as an independent state, but the support damaged Germany's relations with France and the U.S. The crisis reached a peak in June 1905, and is considered a contributing factor to WWI.
13. B___ (Oct) 1906: Unable to locate, still researching.
14. Los Angeles (Dec) 1910: Llewellyn Iron Works bombing was preceded by a bombing of the Los Angeles Times in October and resulted in the arrest and conviction of labor leaders.
15. Tripoli (Sep) 1911: The Italo-Turkish war was Italy's attempt to assert it rights over parts of what is now Libya. It marked the use of the first aerial bomb dropped from an airplane.
16. Salonika (Thessaloniki) (Mar) 1912: Geekyzen and Jillp have brought it to me that Salonika is an alternate name for Thessaloniki. And in 1912 Greece sunk an Ottoman ship, in the harbor.
17. Berlin/Danzig 1908: The line from Berlin to Danzig(Gdansk) is a rough border for the Polish corridor. The German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia confiscated land and evicted the ethnic Polish population.
18. New York 1949: (from the SOT copyright notice) Airplane crash on October 28th in the Azores. The plane was headed for New York. Also, the Peekskill riots happened in 1949.
19. Toronto 1949: (from the SOT copyright notice) The SS Noronic disaster, a fire started in a linen closet and which led to several fatalities.
B_ could be Brazil, but in that case, I found information on a ship that was blown up in January 1906. From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1906_in_Brazil. Then, there is an article from the NY Times about it: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9405EEDB153AE733A25750C2A9679C946797D6CF
ReplyDeleteMy confusion now is if it occured in the city of Rio de Janeiro (as the article says), or if it was in Angra dos Reis (from Wikipedia)...
Has anyone also tried Barcelona for B_? If I'm not wrong, Jen does comment that the description of a city's description in the book, reminded her of Barcelona, where she went on a trip with her family... Is that correct or is my memory playing tricks on me? I guess I'm going to double check that after writing this.
ReplyDeleteOr Bali (Sept-Oct) 1906... The Dutch invasion claimed over 1,000 lives. It's not a city, it's a province in Indonesia, but still a better bet than an entire country.
ReplyDeleteIt's definitely not the Aquidaban as that occurs too early in the year. It could be Bali, but as far as I can tell, the worst of the bloodshed really was in September, with a big ritual suicide occuring in September, too. I'm not completely counting it out (and DD may have intended Bali), but I'm still looking for something that seems to fit. I should also note that Mystimus pointed out that the incident could be entirely fictional in that it occurs "in the book" and not historically.
DeleteAnd I want to add that B could be pointing to the birth of somebody. It ain't Hitler, I already checked.
DeleteAnd... I just remembered that I updated the list on my blog but not here.
ReplyDeleteI have put the events in chronological order and finally remembered to add the drowning referred to by Jen on page 403. As I stated previously, NV or non-vintage might be a reference through wordplay to look at events current to the writing and publishing of the book; hence the inclusion of events occurring in the 1940's.
Noir Barkol 1756: Refers to the Qing Dynasty's annexation of the area formerly controlled by the Zunghar Khanate. In 1756, the Chinese emperor ordered the death of all men in Barkol or Suzhou. The murdered men's wives and children were given to soldiers in the emperor's army.
Noir Bijapur 1791: Doji Bara famine in South Asia. An El Nino event caused a drought in the area from 1791-1792. In one estimate, famine and disease may have contributed to the deaths of 11 million people.
Noir Galway 1831: This one is interesting doesn't appear to reference an act of violence. The Wardenship of Galway was dissolved by the Church of Ireland in 1831. Edmund Ffrench was the last warden. Galway may also reference the tribes of Galway, a group of a powerful families that ran Galway until the late 19th century. A magistrate does note that something was happening in Galway in 1831, but the details were not given in The Edinburgh Review. Two sailing vessels, the Cyclops and the Kelly, sank of the coast of County Galway in 1831. One of the ships was the Cyclops, which might be another clue to James Joyce, especially as Joyce was descended from one of the tribes of Galway.
Noir Dahomey 1840: Dahomey was an African country ruled by a monarchy in what is now Benin. Dahomey was involved in the profitable slave trade. In 1840, Dahomey attempted to take over Yoruba territory.
Black Taranaki 1863: The Second Taranaki War was a conflict between the Maori and New Zealand government.
Noir Odessa 1871: The Odessa pogrom, one in a series of violence targeting the Jews in Odessa, a city in Ukraine.
Noir Rio Negro 1879: Basically a state-sponsored land grab from the indigenous populations, in 1878, a massive campaign started to clear the land between the Negro River and the Alsina Trench by armed forces.
Tangier (Jun) 1905: The First Moroccan Crisis refers to Germany's support of Morocco as an independent state, but the support damaged Germany's relations with France and the U.S. The crisis reached a peak in June 1905, and is considered a contributing factor to WWI.
B___ (Oct) 1906: Per jillaggie, potentially related to the MacLaren owned sawmill strike and subsequent killing of two labor leaders in Buckingham, Quebec.
Berlin/Danzig 1908: The line from Berlin to Danzig(Gdansk) is a rough border for the Polish corridor. The German Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia confiscated land and evicted the ethnic Polish population (although this was reversed in 1925).
Noir Adana 1909: The Adana Massacre occurred in Adana Province of the Ottoman Empire against the Armenian population there.
Los Angeles (Dec) 1910: Llewellyn Iron Works bombing was preceded by a bombing of the Los Angeles Times in October and resulted in the arrest and conviction of labor leaders.
part 2 because of the character limit:
DeleteTripoli (Sep) 1911: The Italo-Turkish war was Italy's attempt to assert it rights over parts of what is now Libya. It marked the use of the first aerial bomb dropped from an airplane.
Noir Calais 1912: Fictional riot that takes place in 1912 at Calais, France in SOT. Calais built the monument Le Pluviose in 1912 to commemorate the death of 27 when the steamer Pas de Calaise accidentally cause the submarine, Pluviose, to sink in May 1910, and the monument was not dedicated until 1913. Per gz: Fourteen people were killed in a coal mine explosion at the Clarence Coal Company at Pas de Calais, France.
Salonika (Thessaloniki) (Mar) 1912: Geekyzen and Jillp have brought it to me that Salonika is an alternate name for Thessaloniki. And in 1912 Greece sunk an Ottoman ship, the Feth-i_Bülend in the harbor of Thessaloniki.
Noir Ypres 1915: Ypres, Belgium. Second battle of Ypres during World War I, notable because the it was the first time that the Germans used poison gas on a mass scale.
Havana 1946 (June 5): Straka's murder in his hotel room.
Marseilles/Cap de Bol (March 19) 1948: Woman who supplied map drowned in Vevoda's wine found at Cap de Bol, Spain and reported in the Marseilles, France newspaper.
New York 1949: (from the SOT copyright notice) Airplane crash on October 28th in the Azores. The plane was headed for New York. Also, the Peekskill riots happened in 1949.
Toronto 1949: (from the SOT copyright notice) The SS Noronic disaster, a fire started in a linen closet and was fueled by the lemon scented furniture polish which led to several fatalities.
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